Access to any information on the Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard, the Ubuntu Economics, UGW Inner Circle, UGW Master Classes, Alkebulan Entrepreneurship Program or any of the websites owned (including www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com,
www.ugewealth.africa, https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com), or Programs operated by Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW), or any associated company, is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) or other group or related or associated companies to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction.
Users of the Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard, , the Ubuntu Economics, UGW Inner Circle, UGW Master Classes, Alkebulan Entrepreneurship Program or any of the websites owned (including www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com, www.ugewealth.africa,
https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com) or dashboards or portals on any of the same websites accept that the entirety of your legal relationship is with Umoja Generational Wealth Limited, a Republic of Ghana, registered company.
None of the material contained within any of the Dashboards and Portals, or contained on the websites www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com, www.ugewealth.africa, https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com, nor its content, nor any copy of it, may be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed to any other party, without the prior express written permission of Umoja Generational Wealth Limited .
The information, tools and materials presented in the Dashboards, Portals and Websites (including www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com, www.ugewealth.africa, https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com) operated by Umoja Generational Wealth Limited or other associated, affiliated or related company or companies is provided to you for information purposes only and are not to be used or considered as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or to buy or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments. Neither Umoja Generational Wealth Limited nor any associated or related company has taken any steps to ensure that projects, investments or business opportunities referred to in any of our websites, portals or Dashboards are genuine. Fraudsters are known to operate on business and investment platforms, and all users must take professional advice prior to proceeding with a transaction originating from one of our websites, platforms or dashboards. The investments or services contained or referred to in our websites, portals or dashboards may not be suitable for you and you must consult an independent investment advisor if you are in doubt about such investments or investment services.
Nothing in our websites, portals or dashboards constitutes investment, legal, accounting or tax advice or a representation that any investment, business opportunity, or strategy is suitable or appropriate to your individual circumstances or otherwise constitutes a personal recommendation to you. Umoja Generational Wealth Limited or any of our associated, affiliated or related companies do not offer advice on the tax consequences of investment or business transactions and you are advised to contact an independent tax adviser. Please note in particular that the bases and levels of taxation may change.
Umoja Generational Wealth Limited and any associated, affiliated or related company or companies makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of data presented. Neither Umoja Generational Wealth Limited nor any related, affiliated or associated company
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Umoja Generational Wealth Limited and its related, affiliated or associated companies may be involved in many businesses that relate to companies mentioned in this Dashboard. Past performance should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future performance. The price, value of and income from any of the securities, investments or financial instruments mentioned in our Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard or our websites can fall as well as rise. The value of securities and financial instruments is subject to exchange rate fluctuation that may have a positive or adverse effect on the price or income of such securities or financial instruments. Investors in securities such as ADRs, the values of which are influenced by currency volatility, effectively assume this risk.
Structured securities are complex instruments, typically involve a high degree of risk and are intended for sale only to sophisticated investors who are capable of understanding and assuming the risks involved. The market value of any structured security may be affected by changes in economic, financial and political factors (including, but not limited to, spot and forward interest and exchange rates), time to maturity, market conditions and volatility, and the credit quality of any issuer or reference issuer. Any investor interested in purchasing a structured product should conduct their own investigation and analysis of the product and consult with their own professional
advisers as to the risks involved in making such a purchase.
Some investments presented in our Dashboards, websites or portals have a high level of volatility. High volatility investments may experience sudden and large falls in their value causing losses when that investment is realised. Those losses may equal your original investment. Indeed, in the case of some investments the potential losses may exceed the amount of initial investment, in such
circumstances you may be required to pay more money to support those losses. Income yields from investments may fluctuate and, in consequence, initial capital paid to make the investment may be used as part of that income yield. Some investments may not be readily realisable and it may be difficult to sell or realise those investments, similarly it may prove difficult for you to obtain reliable information about the value, or risks, to which such an investment is exposed.
The information contained in our Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard, websites and portals is intended solely for the recipient and may not be further distributed by the recipient to any third party. Information is provided on an “as is” basis. The user assumes the entire risk of any use made of this information. Umoja Generational Wealth Limited , its affiliates and any third party involved in, or related to, computing or compiling the information hereby expressly disclaim all warranties of originality, accuracy, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to any of this information. Without limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall Umoja Generational Wealth Limited, any of its affiliates or any third party involved in, or related to, computing or compiling the information have any liability for any damages of any kind. Umoja Generational Wealth Limited accepts no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties. Our Dashboards, Portals and websites may provide the addresses of, or contain hyperlinks to websites. Umoja Generational Wealth Limited has not reviewed the linked sites. Equally, Umoja Generational Wealth Limited takes no responsibility for, and makes no representations or warranties whatsoever as to, the data and information contained therein. Accessing such website or following such link through our websites, portals and dashboards shall be at your own risk and Umoja Generational Wealth Limited shall have no liability arising out of, or in connection with, any such referenced website.
Recipients of Dashboard information should seek the advice of their independent financial advisor prior to taking any investment decision based on this report or for any necessary explanation of its contents. The terms and conditions of use of our Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard, any part of our websites including www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com, www.ugewealth.africa, https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Republic of Ghana. Republic of Ghana courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all claims or disputes arising in relation to, out of or in connection with, our Umoja Generational Wealth (UGW) Dashboard, or our including www.ubuntuverse.africa; www.ugewealth.com, www.ugewealth.africa, https://summit.ugewealth.africa; https://ugewealth.com websites.
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